I think I need a whole post dedicated to Anne of Green Gables. I remember my Aunt sending my sisters and I the first three books of the series when I was around 12 years old. Anne always reminded me a bit of my best friend Andrea because she hates her red hair and freckles whereas I'm a fan of both red hair and freckles!
Who doesn't love Anne? That girl was so full of life and hilarious! At the time I had no idea that Green Gables was even a real place and it was only when I moved to Canada that I learned where Prince Edward Island was! As soon as I stepped foot on the island it was obvious how important Anne was for the islanders. I found her likeness everywhere. A good way to sell things, I'd say.
This chocolate shop was pretty awesome but pricey. They make these chocolate-covered potato chips that are really popular. I bought some for my sisters after one of the girls I met at my hostel gave me one to try. Not bad. It was really cool to see them being made.
I had a front row ticket to see Anne: The Musical. It was recommended to me by somebody and I decided to go because I figured it would be nice to have something to do at least one evening. I mentioned I was going to a lovely New Zealander named Dot who I met in the hostel and she came along with me.
Oh my gosh, I loved this musical! I mean LOVED it! I was enthralled from start to finish! It honestly brought out so many emotions in me. I laughed when Anne broke her slate over Gilbert's head,held back tears when Matthew died, felt nostalgic for the innocence of childhood friendships when Diana and Anne met....Top class musical; one I would see again and again. During the intermission Dot bought me a glass of raspberry cordial, just like they drink in the book. That was tasty stuff!
The next morning, while I was still on a high from watching the musical, I went on a day-trip to Cavendish, the birthplace of L.M. Montgomery. It was a beautiful sunny day, the only nice day I had weather-wise on the island. I know this sounds creepy but my first stop in Cavendish was the final resting place of Ms. Montgomery.
After paying my respects, I walked down the street until I got to Green Gables.
Very cute little place that inspired a great book!
This is Anne's room:
Walking through the woods I ran into these girls who had been picking vegetables.
Beautiful fields near the Montgomery Homestead |
The Church Where LM Montgomery Worshipped |
A day I will remember for a long time. It's amazing how much words can influence us and inspire us at the same time. As Anne once said: "Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive--it's such an interesting world. It wouldn't be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there?"- Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables