There are so many Black heroes out there but today I'd like to talk about one of the lesser-known ones, John Chilembwe, who was born in Nyasaland, now known as Malawi.
John Chilembwe was a Baptist preacher who traveled to the USA in 1897 and learnt a lot about contemporary ideas from the likes of Booker T. Washington. These ideas were seen as quite radical in Africa at the time. When Chilembwe returned to Nyasaland, he built schools and churches and educated his community. He rebelled against the cruel plantation masters and the British Government. Unfortunately, the rebellion failed and Chilembwe fled to Mozambique where he was eventually found and killed.
Finally, years after his death, this man is getting the respect he deserved. Malawi has designated January 15th as John Chilembwe day, and his likeness can be found on Malawian money and stamps. Malawi finally gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1964. Malawians consider Chilembwe to be a martyr.
It is too late now to talk of what might or might not have been. Whatsoever be the reasons we are invited to join in the war, the fact remains, we are invited to die for Nyasaland. We leave all for the consideration of the Government, we hope in the Mercy of Almighty God, that some day things will turn out well and that Government will recognise our indispensability, and that justice will prevail."
On behalf of his countrymen
Nyasaland Times No.48, 26 November, 1914
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